Tag: digital EPIGRAPHY

News (6 entry/entries)

Nov 1, 2018

Dear Reader, welcome to the brand new digitalEPIGRAPHY website!

Twenty years ago, when I started working in Egypt as an epigrapher, I wasn’t given too many guidelines regarding how to do the best job when documenting a painted tomb. Our Hungarian project leader wanted to have the most detailed, most faithful, most informative, and most complete documentation that was accessible to everyone,

Krisztián Vértes

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Oct 31, 2018

Foreword to digitalEPIGRAPHY

This is just the latest of several forewords I have written for Krisztián Vértes and the Epigraphic Survey’s collaborative digital drawing manual Digital Epigraphy, but this one marks a gigantic technological leap forward.

Krisztián Vértes

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Jan 4, 2019

Our first Newsletter just went out!

We can't believe that it's been two months already since digitalEPIGRAPHY went live! Thanks to you, and another 3853 of our devoted readers, we are starting to form a community who'd like to learn about and contribute to digital documentation in Egypt.

Krisztián Vértes

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Mar 7, 2019

Help evolving digitalEPIGRAPHY by being a part of it – How to submit an article, recommend a tool or provide a tutorial

It is time for us to reach out to our growing community to exchange views on digital documentation or documentation in general by utilizing the channels provided through the digitalEPIGRAPHY website.

Krisztián Vértes

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Nov 1, 2019

A note on digitalEPIGRAPHY’s first birthday

I can’t believe that digitalEPIGRAPHY has already been around for a little over a year! Thinking back on the past 12 months, there are two conflicting feelings that come to mind...

Krisztián Vértes

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Jul 6, 2020

The updated digitalEPIGRAPHY website – An Epigraphic Survey, Harvard University, and KU Leuven Collaboration

In the past two years, we've been expanding our scope, tirelessly adding new content upon what was available in the original Manual, opening new frontiers of interest, and taking the art of digital documentation in unexpected and exciting new directions.

Krisztián Vértes

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